A prÃtica pedagÃgica do professor de lÃngua inglesa nas escolas pÃblicas do Ensino MÃdio




This research aims to comprehend the pedagogical practices of Public High School Teachers. The specific objectives of this work is identify the theoretical â methodological concepts that guide the pedagogical practices involving the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) which form the Communicative Approach and to analyse if the pedagogical practices promote the development of these skills in the classroom. The data collected in the questionaires and interview were examined inside the socialinteracional concept of learning(Vygotsky,1989,1993), on the Communicative Approach and the competence levels of teaching (Almeida Filho, 1998). The results of the analysis helped to characterise the conceptions about the teaching process based on the pedagogical practices and I detected that these practices were supported on the traditional approach, in other words, the teaching process was based on grammatical rules, or â usageâ (Widdowson, 1978). I found out that the reading and writing skills are used more, on the other hand, the speaking and listening, are almost not used in the activities in the classroom. This way, the procedures and the pedagogical actions taken by the teachers, donât offer a teaching / learning process based on the Communicative Approach. This dissertation indicates the necessity to re-assess the pedagogical practices of the formation teachers of âLetrasâ Course, that include the assumptions of the Communicative theory into the teaching / learning process, making possible the changes from the formation of the future English teacher


ensino e aprendizagem â quatro habilidades (ouvir, falar, ler e escrever) educaÃÃo â prÃtica pedagÃgica ensino mÃdio â escola pÃblica ensino e aprendizagem da lÃngua inglesa educacao abordagem do behaviorismo ao sociointeracionismo

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