A politização do urbano : a experiência dos moradores do Jardim União da Vitória na conquista dos direitos de cidadania e da cidade




The present work aims to analyze the long time struggle of the inhabitants of the União da Vitória neighborhood, in the municipality of Londrina, Paraná state, Brazil. This analyses is based on the citizenship rights, from a perspective that highlights the participation of the lower class people in the public sector, with the purpose of having their rights recognized as political and social subjects. For that, it was recovered the history of this neighborhood, which started out in 1985 when the inhabitants occupied the land. That was their first conflict in order to get integrated with the city. Based on that, it is presented the narrative of how that community, having conquered their habitational and basic infra-structure rights, supplied with new strategies, new ways of organization, are mobilizing in order to have their other fundamental rights guaranteed as well. Among the other rights are: the right of not suffering any kind of discrimination, to have job access and high quality of public transportation. The present work also points out the peculiarities of the struggle of the inhabitants of that neighborhood, that had become a reference to other popular movements in Londrina.


movimentos sociais urbanos cidadania espaços públicos social movements public spaces citizenship

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