A Politica Nacional de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (PNATER) : percepções e tendencias / The National Policy for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension : perceptions and trends


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




With the implementation of the new National Policy on Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (NAPTARE) as from 2004, the area of technical assistance and rural extension (TARE) emerged invigorated and strengthened within the framework of public policies for family farming in Brazil. The supporting literature to the policy uses the didactic strategy of opposing their guidelines to those of the previous period (the "Agroecological Rural Extension versus Conventional Rural Extension") highlighting the magnitude of change advocated in the guidelines of the institutional setting and of the extensionist action. This has caused some concern and the discussion of their causes have attracted scholarly and political interest. Given this scenario, this work assumes to exist in the country a great diversity of extensionist action and TARE entities. In this context it is important to identify to what extent such changes are occurring from the moment NAPTARE begins to be implemented. In this perspective, the research aimed to identify the profiles of extensionists and organizations responsible for policy implementation throughout the national territory registered in the Brazilian System of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Sibrater) in order to create a typology for situating them in relation to alignment or not with NAPTARE. After the application - via web - of a nationwide survey, data were analyzed using tools and techniques of Descriptive Statistics and Statistical Analysis of Multivariate Data. Three Groups of Extensionist Behavior were identified: strongly, moderately and lightly alined. There was no group of extensionists not aligned with the policy. With regard to TARE organizations, three types of behavior in relation to their organizational and institutional capacities to implement the current national policy were identified: moderately aligned, aligned, and another third group non-Aligned. If the first two groups are put together, it is verified that 79.7% of the extensionists work in organizations aligned with the TARE and only 20.3% work in organizations not aligned. Although many authors have pointed to difficulties in implementing the analyzed policy, the results of this study demonstrate that both the extension workers and TARE organizations are adjusting to the new propositions showing progress in its implementation


family farming agricultura - assistencia tecnica agricultura familiar políticas públicas desenvolvimento sustentavel extensão rural agricultural assistance public policy sustainable rural development rural extension

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