A política de segurança dos Estados Unidos e a tríplice fronteira no pós 11 de setembro : uma análise dos interesses norte-americanos e o posicionamento brasileiro / The United States security policy and TBA in the post September 11 : an analysis of U.S. interests and the position of Brazil




After the attacks of September 11, 2001 occurred in U.S. territory, several actions were taken by the U.S. government for containment of international terrorism. Although it is a region that has not suffered incursions of war anchored in the argument of fighting terror, in the case of Latin America one area in particular has been highlighted in government reports and studies by international analysts: the Triple Frontier between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay (TF). This region has been considered a safe haven, or an area prone to be used as a support for international terrorism, particularly for financing of radical Islamic groups. For a better understanding of the prominence given to the region, this research aims to analyze the U.S. foreign policy for the region as well as the actions and perceptions of it, compared to the views offered by international analysts. Still, is intended to show Brazilian government stance against Washington attitude. Considering that this subject has been little studied in the field of international relations, this research seeks to fill an important gap in studies related to international security in the Southern Cone, assisting in the an appreciative view of how different agencies work inside the architecture of American politics and Brazilian response in one of few ways in which South America is remembered in the "war on terror" initiated by President George W. Bush with his foray into Afghanistan in 2001


politica externa - estados unidos terrorismo segurança internacional foreign policy international security brazil united states

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