A pessoa estomizada e o processo de inclusão no trabalho: contribuição para a enfermagem / The person with stoma and the inclusion process at work: contribution to nursing


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This is a study which considered the inclusion of the colostomy clients into the labor world. The objectives were: to identify the difficulties and also the facilities of these clients for the inclusion in job field; to analyze such possibilities of inclusion, to discuss, from the point of view of the client the orientation provided by the nurses who aim to inclusion their clients into the job world. The theoretical reference was based on the field of Employee Health, focusing o the professional rehabilitation and the chapter for supporting the theory has approached the knowledge of colostomy , job- or employment world, physical handicap and the legal aspects which involve the rehabilitation of colostomyzed client in labor world. The methodology drawing was a qualitative descriptive, exploratory survey accomplished with 20 definitive colostomyzed clients, to whom were prepared semi-structured interviews. The data analysis method was the Thematic Content Analysis, which emerged four categories: a)Meanings of the Work for the Colostomyzed Being; b) The Colostomy patient and his/her Biopsychosocial problem; c) Social Context and Legal Aspects Involving his/her the Inclusion in Labor World; d) The Nurse and the Participation in the Rehabilitation of Such Client. The results have shown that most subjects worked informally and at the same time they had been receiving some type of government aid. It is also important to highlight that they recognized such illegal situation, however, they considered it important due to the poor payment of the aid, emphasizing the sensation of usefulness emerging from job opportunities. They have referred to the return to work as an impaired opportunity due to the obstacles set in psychic, physical and social dimensions which were close articulated. They have emphasized great difficulty in finding jobs that would fit their specific needs and that would not cause troubles to their health conditions, because there has to be an adapted bathroom, non exposure to heat in the stoma area neither severe physical efforts. In addition to this, they need a job that allows them the flexibility to leave work in order to see the multiprofessional staff. The greatest obstacles referred to the lack of knowledge and social as well as government disregard in relation to the concept of what is, in fact a colostomy patient, once this problem is not spread neither known from most part of the population. In relation to the nurses, the subjects were almost unanimous referring to the lack of orientation from the part of these professionals about the explanation on how to inclusion this group of client in the labor world. This fact had been characterized as a worry, because nurses are educators and orientation is closely linked to the rehabilitation process. It was concluded that the return to job was essential, but there are several difficulties related to such return and the maintenance in labor word. These obstacles lead them to early retirement or sickness aids. It is important to analyze once again such inclusion in order to prepare the client to his limitations and potentials, highlighting he is not an incapable person and that there are many formal activities and they can be productive and happy.


saúde do trabalhador estomas cirúrgicos reabilitação deficiência física inclusão social enfermagem ostomizados - reabilitação reabilitação profissional enfermagem do trabalho saúde e trabalho employee health colostomy surgery rehabilitation physical handicap social inclusion

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