A PERSONAGEM NEGRA NA TELENOVELA BRASILEIRA Representações da negritude em Duas caras




This dissertation will attempt to investigate the Black-Brazilian identity as a contemporary product that is in the process of re-definition because of changing in values and meanings that has been socially constructed since the colonial period. It verifies the role of television melodramas in actively constructing an idea of reality for spectators that affect the way the spectators view themselves and others. To explore this, representations of blackness are analyzed in a specific Brazilian telenovela. The telenovela "Duas Caras", which was written by Aguinaldo Silva and presented daily at 9 p.m. by Globo TV in 2007 and 2008, is the subject of study. "Duas Caras" was chosen due to its inclusion of black characters and the telenovelas discourses about the social role of black people in social life, mainly in the professional field, love affairs, and the concerns about racial conflict


negritude identidade blackness comunicacao telenovela brasileira brazilian telenovela identity

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