A performatividade na linguagem dos Kaiowa/Guarani




The people indigenous Guarani are formed by the sub-groups Ñandeva, Kaiowa and Mbyá, however, they are located in the south of Mato Grosso do Sul only Ñandeva and Kaiowa. In spite of to the bad weather for the which it passed, didn t lose his way of to be and to live, as well as language and habits, very away, evidently with some modifications marked by the contact with the no-Indian. Already in the end of the century XIX, the Cia Matte Laranjeiras that obtained of the federal government the leasing of the lands of the area for exploration of the maté begins the dismantling of the villages, transforming them in areas of extraction of the referred maté (cf. Brand, 1997:61). Starting from the decade of 1940, the Indians Guarani is moved away of their lands to give up space to the agricultural colonies implanted in the Area of Dourados, MS by the federal government. And at the beginning of the decade of 1950 the implantation of cattle breeding farms begins at appropriate places for such end. In function of the dispossession of their lands, the Indians Guarani, Ñandeva and Kaiowa dispersed for the whole area creating a denominated movement spread, and serving as hand of cheap work, mainly concerning extraction of the maté. Later they were gathered Kaiowa and Ñandeva faintly in reconquered areas and previously demarcated with the denomination of indigenous reservations. This way, such reservations joined Indians of families different from the traditional formation now, as well as, approximating the two sub-groups giving origin the current organization Kaiowa/Guarani. The cultural and linguistic preservation insured and maintained by Kaiowa/Guarani says respect to the hypothesis of the resistance that addressed my work. Such resistance implemented by Kaiowa/Guarani constitutes analysis object in the extent of the performatividade of the language used by the Indian teachers of that etnia, in the dialogue with the no-Indian


indios kaiwa atos de fala (linguistica) speech acts professores - formação indios guarani indios - educação teacher indians linguagem language indios - cultura identity identidade culture kaiowa guarani

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