A percepção do agricultor familiar sobre o solo e a agroecologia




With the purpose to give a broad direction to the study of the soil, this research, was made with overlapping of two types of knowledge: technica1-scientific and the empirism acquired by the famiIy farmers. Using the analytical instrwnents of current agronomy science and the principIes of the agro ecology, comparisons of indicators use and hantling of the soil with fifteen families establishments with techinical basis of production of differentiated herbs (chemicaI-conventional, transitional, and organic) of the cities of Cotia, Vargem Grande Paulista and Ibiúna - SP, were estabIished. The evaluations were based on quantitative and qualitative analyses. The first one was related to the chemical analysis (macro and micronutrients), physica1 (total porosity and global density) and biological (the population of earthworms count). These analyses were carried out in seedbeds (100m2) cultivated with brassicas in the beginning and the end ofthe culture (winter 1998 and summer 1999). The second one was related to the analysis of the perceptions that the family farmers have of the soil, identifying the "degrees of sensitivity" conceming the use ofthis factor, under a natural resource with biologica1 and physical-chemica1 characteristi. For such a way, testimonies of producer, expIoring to the fullest extent the aspects taken into consideration in the soil anaIysies, were considered. The qualitative analysis was evaluated by interviews, registered in questionnaires and recorded tapes. The main goal of these was the comments and the knowledge acquired by the producers in their relationship with the environment, mainly the soil. As results of the quantitative analyses, it was observed that the land treated with organic handling presents upper quaJity to the rest of the groups (chemica1-conventional and transitional). However. in the second analysis (crop final stage) it was observed that the soil of the establishments in transition had its chemica1 and biological attributes improved significantly. This exact1y group without higher general perception of the land than the other two, without significant diferences between them, only in some aspects. The overlapping of these approaches contributed to increase the agronomy scientific research, creating a proper technological body and knowledge for the formation of a truly sustainable based agriculture


horticultura pequenos produtores familias rurais solos - manejo percepção solos - fertilidade ecologia agricultura organica

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