A percepção das comunidades extrativistas e artesanais do CE (Corredor Ecológico) Jalapão a sustentabilidade da exploração do capim dourado (syngonantus nitens)




The objective of this paper is to make a critical analysis of golden grass extrativism practices in the Jalapão Mangabeiras Ecological Corridor, situated on the state of Tocantins. Approximately 80 years ago, the Mumbuca Village community was already using golden grass as raw material for handmade products without commercial purpose. However, the last two decades saw an astonishing increase in extractivist and handicrafts activities due to the possibility of obtaining income, attracting the local populations of other Jalapão municipal areas who began producing golden grass handicrafts. In this context, a new concern emerged with relation to the form of exploitation of this evergreen, which could be threatened with extinction if its extraction was carried out without proper care. Following a series of studies made in the region with support from IBAMA, Embrapa, Naturatins, University of Brasilia and the Golden Grass Association of Mumbuca Village, among others, with the purpose of acquiring knowledge about the plants germination and reproduction periods, it became possible to create a management plan that assured the continuity of this activity, while respecting the fragile environment in which it occurs, in an attempt to preserve the Cerrado through the application of sustainable practices together with the traditional knowledge of the local population. With the purpose of contributing to research developed to date, this paper intends to discuss by means of interviews with the populations of the municipal areas of Novo Acordo, São Félix, Comunidade do Prata, Mateiros, Mumbuca Village and Ponte Alta the perceptions by different actors involved in the exploitation of golden grass, explain the management practices of the species in question, and to compare the existing policies that aim at the environmental sustainability of golden grass with the practices identified during the field study. With these interviews, it was possible to identify some problems detected by the inhabitants, like: the golden grass crop not always occurs in the period regulated by the government, uncontrolled fire is very usual, the golden grass commerce has been decreasing, and others.


sustentabilidade ambiental golden grass desenvolvimento sustentável-jalapão (to:microregião); capim dourado; artesanato conhecimento tradicional e percepção jalapão jalapão capim dourado outros traditional knowledge and perception extrativismo environmental sustainability extractivism

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