A pedagogia do Movimento Negro em InstituiÃÃes de Ensino em Teresina, PiauÃ: as experiÃncias do IFARADÃ e do Centro Afro-Cultural "Coisa de NÃgo" / The pedagogy of the black movement in institutions of teaching in Teresina, Piaui: the experiences of IFARADA and of Centre Afrocultural "Coisa de Nego"




The study is an analysis of the pedagogical practices developed in some schools by educational agents from IFARADA and the ?Matters of Black People? Afrocultural Center, groups of the Black Movement in Teresina, Piaui, Brazil. Methodological strategies and underlying pedagogical conceptions were identified to determine what influences they had on the teaching and learning processes. Relevant theories, pedagogical proposals and interventions like Multiculturalism in Education, Interethnic and Multiracial Pedagogies that focus on existing ethnic-cultural diversities in the schools are discussed. Because of the nature of the research questions, a qualitative research paradigm was employed. Data collection techniques included field research, participant observation, interviews (with the activists, teachers, principals, and pedagogical coordinators), application of questionnaires to students of both African and non-African descents; as well as the critical examination of the materials used by the educational activists. Among the consequences of the participation of the Black Movement in the schools was the transformation in the inter-ethnic relationships among the students. This was evident from: affirmations of their Afrodescendent cultural identity and improvement in self-esteem levels; socialization and awareness of the struggles against racism, as well as the importance of African history and cultural heritage; knowledge about Brazil?s African elements. This study confirms the findings of other research that criticize educational systems for excluding from the curriculum, elements regarding the history, legacy and culture of Africa; not to mention the difficulties encountered in trying to incorporate them. The conclusions and recommendations of studies that denounce problems of racism in the schools, though widely disseminated through publications and educational talks, are still systematically ignored by the schools and most teachers. We understand that since the pedagogical practices of the educational activists studied are relevant, contemporary, appropriately organized, critical, and creative, they should serve as yardsticks for schools. Implementation of teaching and learning activities related to the ethnic, political, social, and cultural realities of students and educators as socially active agents, must be emphasized


schooling movimento negro educaÃÃo â teresina(pi) â estudos interculturais educaÃÃo â teresina(pi) â influÃncias africanas negros â educaÃÃo â teresina(pi) prÃtica pedagÃgica educaÃÃo escolar black movement educacao programas de aÃÃo afirmativa â teresina(pi) educaÃÃo multicultural â teresina(pi) pedagogical practice

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