A particularidade da responsabilidade social no setor sucroalcooleiro de Alagoas




This study analyzes the social responsibility in the industrial sector of sugar cane and alcohol. Looking for to know the emergency and the way of the legislation which leads to the practice of the social assistance to the sugar cane workers. For this it does a revision of the process of productive reorganization, once that the companies see the social one as a new field of chance to answer for the rivalry and new basis on competitiveness. The strategies implemented for the companies in replying to crisis installed, since the decade l970, are fit in the new liberal project which tonic is the workerâs, involvement and cooperation, he is transformed himself in a partner who internalizes the goals and objectives of the company, so it becomes unstructured the collective work organization. The field research was carried through into Coruripe Plant, amongst plants of the State of Alagoas ranking it is the leader, as much in amount of worn out sugar cane, in the production of sugar cane and alcohol as in developing internal and external social actions. It was looked to apprehend the conception of social responsibility, that bases on the actions developed and to tend to the social certification. The study allowed to identify that one cannot generalize the agreement of social responsibility as being common standard for all companies. Indeed the industrial sector of sugar cane and alcohol has peculiarities which, distinguishes itself from others enterprise sectors. From the process of productive reorganization it is establishing a discussion about the social responsibility and deepening the legislation of the industrial sector of the sugar cane and alcohol, which it relates to the workersâ social assistance. I was possible to observe that some social actions had currently to the Plant as of social responsibility, they are foreseen in the Law since the decade 40, with Statute of Plantion, so being, therefore its accomplishment of compulsory character


responsabilidade social statute of plantion estatuto da lavoura canavieira servico social coruripe plant sector of sugar cane and alcohol social responsibility social assistance usina coruripe setor sucroalcooleiro assistÃncia social

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