A organização social dos trabalhadores fabris em São João Del Rei: o caso da companhia industrial São Joanense 1891/1935




This mastery dissertation discusses the social organization of the Companhia Industrial São Joanense workers, in São João del-Rei, from 1891 to 1935. With the objective of linking to experiences seen in other manufacture establishment already analyzed by researchers in essays about theme, the Companhia Industrial São Joanense was analyzed as a place of production. First, as an economic enterprise with great importance in the toarn life, there was the approach of how was the toarn when the factory was founded, because it started to count with, new elements as the Ferrovia Oeste de Minas and the Italian immigrants arrivial. So, the context of a society with used the negro labour cost, in the epoch newleft of the slavery. Then, through selected documentation for the analysis, as documents from the factor patrimony (works register, administrative books), maps, photographs, intervierars and news from the time, was made a search to evaluate some aspects of the middle class works experiences from São João del-Rei, as the female, male and child work. With this analysis had been discussed the intern fellowship of work relationships, mainly in the genre relationship. References to stage of the as the workers habitation experiences and the work legislation in the workers work routine. 


trabalhores da indústria são joão del rei (mg) 1891-1935 teses história ses são joão del rei (mg) história teses

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