A organizaÃÃo do tempo curricular na prÃtica pedagÃgica da educaÃÃo de jovens e adultos




This dissertition developed in the period of 2007–2009 and it’s the object of research the organization and the materialization of the curricular time in the pedagogic practice of the EJA. Our object was to show as the organization of the curricular time in the pedagogic practice has been developed in the school, privately in the classroom. We leave of the conception of education as process of humanization according to theories of Paulo Freire, JoÃo Francisco de Souza for which the dialogue, the ethic, the confront of knowledges and the critical reflexion are fundamental conceptions in the process of resocialization of young and adult people. In this studying, we talk with pedagogic theories that it’s the curriculo as guided for a humanizator and liberator to example of the studying of Paulo Freire and Henry Giroux. We placed the subject in the historical, temporal and curricular context to light of the conceptions organization and regulation of the developed time by Elias Norbert and of the time waste conceptions and of the curricular time developed by Eliete Santiago. For the developing of this studying, we adopted a methodical phenomenonical with a ethinografic dialogue of the researching field. We defined as unities of analysis the curricular time and the pedagogic practice, of which empiric object is in the classroom of the EJA, First and second fases of a public school. We adopted as conducts the systematic looking of the classroom, the semi-structured interview and documental analysis. Though the analysis of content interprets the speeches of the teachers, of the directors and the students about your experiencies in the organization of curricular time. The analysis of the pedagogic practice permited us the comprehension which the curricular time for EJA is organized in the school space of studying, in function of the teacher’s planning and of a view of the people of the EJA as a needy and tired worker. The possible flexibilization of the curricular time seemed us to attend to necessary processes of building of different cultural knowledges, of social responsability of the school. The organization of the curricular time is restricted to instrumental and reduced contents to the strategies of copy and of memorization of some conceptions. We looked that the selection of knowledges and the organization of the curricular time don’t contemplate developed knowledges in the different social and cultural practices of Youngs and adults, what can contribute of unfavourable form to the route of schoolage of the students of the EJA. The same form, in the extent of document that synthesizes the Project Pedagogic Political of the school, the EJA isn’t contemplated. It’s possible that the absence of the EJA in the pedagogic speech of the school reflects in the practice of the teaching staff and in the way that it(he/she) chooses knowledges and times for its(his/her) practice


educacao educaÃÃo de jovens e adultos prÃtica pedagÃgica currÃculo education of young and adult tempo curricular social and curricular time tempo social currÃculo pedagogic practice

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