A obscuridade e o espelho : notas para uma teoria da delinquencia




Our starting point is the collective body. Body as a multiplicity of fighting forces, traveled through by the register of the image and the excess of sense. For that society exist these forces and senses should be fixed and organized in a significance system of capable of 1) define a net of structured meanings, 2) normalize the desire and 3) satisfies it; that is, capable to produce the social as symbolic order. This is possible by means of a series of foundational exclusions or antagonistic limits. These limits institute the prohibited and the permitted, the justice and the unjust one, the possible and the impossible; and, may be in a more elemental way, the inside and the outside, the high and the low. These antagonistic limits establish then the social as a field of "visibility" and of "speakability". Or, it said by the negative one, the social is instituted always by producing an unspeakable and an invisible zone. A residue that, because it cannot be nominated, does not exist in the "reality", but it does not stop to produce effects as Real. The crime, we will request, is one of them. Crime is a kind of event linked to the alterity of a elemental socius (of a affectivity character) and to a social antagonisms that were denied in the establishment of a determined socio-symbolic order, and whose emergency is experienced as violence made to that order. Because the crime implies an excess for the order of the differences, it lacks a fixed place, and turns out to be impossible to attribute it an precise origin. It inaugurates then a territory of indefinite limits. And the one who actualize it will provoke a cognitive des classification and a affective shock in those who assist to these event. That it is the specific point where the mythological thought appears in this experience. The myth, speaking the language of the accustomed violent one, withdraw the imputed individual of the series of the "similar", and converts him or her, not in a other, but in a completely Other. That stops all posts in perspective, all positive linking with the assembly of which this individual is pulled out. In that sense is possible to be said that the criminal is a point of imputation of the Real, and that criminal event is capable of produce states of crowd in those spectators habitually subjects the routine and the law


marginality sociology crime e criminosos - aspectos sociologicos crime and criminals marginalidade social sociological aspects sociologia social

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