A nova didÃtica das ciÃncias e o saber docente dos professores de quÃmica




This thesis intends to understand how two groups of chemistry teachers from public schools in Pernambuco State build and rebuild their knowledge, as they participate in different processes of continuing education, oriented towards the implementation of curricular innovations. The work was based on the contribution of several authors, mainly Tardif, PorlÃn, Rivero e Cachapuz. Teachers were prepared through a set of meetings, during which the theoretical bases of the New Didactic of Science were discussed. The data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews, taping and recording of classrooms. The interviews were analyzed qualitatively, with the objective of identifying the origins of teachers knowledge based on their life histories and on their opportunities of initial and continuing education. Besides that, the structure of this knowledge was analyzed through the didactics applied to students. The results indicate that teachers in group G1, who did not complete the process of continuing education, based on the New Didactic of Science, through which had passed teachers in group G2, maintained a speech identified with models of technical or traditional teaching. Teachers in group G2, who had the opportunity to experience the investigation teaching model, presented a comprehension about fundamental concepts such as: interdisciplinarity, teaching by competence, contextualization and curriculum. The classroom analyses from a teacher in group G1 and a teacher in group G2 showed differences in relation to the methodology of teaching-learning process. The teacher of group G1 maintained, practically, the same model of teaching which she was exposed to, while the teacher in group G2 presented significant changes, conducting his classroom by means of communicative approach in which predominated the interactive/dialogic dimension, working with theoretical and practical activities in an articulated way and using the phenomenological, theoretical and representational levels, which are indispensable to chemistry teaching. In conclusion, the studies showed that the application of the investigative teaching model allows changes in teachers knowledge, favoring motivation and students learning


aulas de quÃmica didÃtica das ciÃncias teaching knowledge investigation teaching ensino por investigaÃÃo educacao chemistry class ensino mÃdio saber docente didactics of sciences high school

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