A nova concepção do direito de propriedade urbana e o conteúdo do plano diretor municipal




The city property is integrated in all of our lives. The Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, oblige that a social function must be observed, in the moment it establish of fundamental rights, taking out the character absolute and individualist, imported from the Roman Right and the Napoleons Code. For this job, the Federal Constitution names the City Plan how his spokesman. However, even being the main actor, the City Plan is not present for all of the Brazilian Cities, because of the thinking that only that ones which have more than twenty thousand people are compelled to have then, extracting some exceptions listed in the national law, called Estatuto da Cidade. Besides of the social function of city property and even before that, we have the question of the social end environmental function of the cities, which search a better condition of life, to gradually exist the well-being of the society. For it effectively happens, in reason of being the basic instrument of city politics, title received by the constitution, the city plan presents like a fundamental tool. The City Plan is necessary to property respect their social function, helping the city to clumpish the social and environmental functions, like demands the Federal Constitution. This is based on the fact of the mayor Law lists social function of city property like a fundamental right and de city plan has de responsibility to write de rules to this determination be observed. The city property only respects the Federal Constitution talking about your social function and the social-environmental functions if the City Plan exists. Because all of this, we conclude that the city plan, the basic instrument of the city development politics, is fundamental to the observation of the cities and city property social functions. Only walking by this way we can assert the existence of a new conception of property rights


direito plano diretor função social da propriedade urbanism fundamental rights urban law city plan função ambiental e social da cidade city property direito de propriedade -- brasil direito urbanístico urbanismo environmental and social function of city direito urbanistico -- brasil propriedade urbana planejamento urbanistico -- sao paulo (cidade) direito fundamental social function of property

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