A nomenclatura gramatical brasileira interpretada, definida, comentada e exemplificada




The Nomenclatura Gramatical Brasileira (Brazilian Grammatical Nomenclature - NGB) is an official initiative of the Brazilian State towards establishing a sole terminology for our grammars which was published by the Ministry of the Education in 1959. In this work, from the theoretical viewpoint of the French School of Discourse Analysis, we analyse NGB as a discourse, showing its affiliations in the context of Brazilian grammatization. In the first part of this work, we make an outline of our theoretical viewpoint, introducing some of its main concepts and definitions. In the second part, we present the analysis of the NGB, on the basis of the theoretical support outlined in the first part. Our main concem is to show that the NGB is already part of a very specific process in Brazilian grammatization which initiates in last century and, moreover, to indicate in which way this same grammatization is modified after the implementation of the NGB. Hence, we dedicate one part of the analysis to the grammatical dictionnaries and lexicons previous to the NGB and another part to show in which ways the discursive functioning of Brazilian grammars relate to these instruments. From our point of view, the NGB is a unique linguistic and discursive instrument in the history of Brazilian grammatization in that even though it brings resemblances to some of the works prior to it, at the same time it presents essential differences in relation to them. This has made us consider it a landmark in the history of Brazilian linguistic studies inasmuch as it modifies the function and the knowledge of grammarians. The concept of au thorship thought out by Foucault and rethought within Discourse Analysis was of extreme importance in our attempt to understand this changing process and therefore our analysis of the Nomenclature is based on the developments of such notion. In the analysis of the works which make up our corpus of research, we dedicate ourselves essentially to understanding the mechanisms by means of which both the NGB and the works previous to it define the different forms of approaching the linguistic phenomenon and establish a hierarchy between them, according to the different ways in which authorship is set up. With this aim, we try to show the relation between the different ways in which authorship is set up in the studies of language and the different historical moments when the question of grammatical terminology arises. Finally, we try to bring some subsidies to deepen the discussion on the relation between grammars and the State, and between Linguistics and Grammar


gramatica comparada e geral linguagem e historia livros didaticos analise do discurso

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