A new common integration region (int-3) for mouse mammary tumor virus on mouse chromosome 17.


Mus musculus subsp. musculus (Czech II) mammary tumor DNA frequently contains an integrated proviral genome of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) within a specific 0.5-kilobase-pair region of the cellular genome (designated int-3). Viral integration at this site results in activation of expression of an adjacent cellular gene. We mapped int-3 to mouse chromosome 17 by analysis of PstI-restricted cellular DNAs from mouse-hamster somatic cell hybrids. Restriction analysis of cellular DNA from (C3H/OuJ X Czech II) X Czech II backcross mice established the gene order T-H-2-int-3. These results demonstrated that the int-3 locus is distinct from two other common integration regions for mouse mammary tumor virus (designated int-1 and int-2) in mammary tumor DNA and suggest that several cellular genes may be at risk for virally induced activation during mammary tumor development.

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