A Morte Severina em Cândido Portinari e em João Cabral de Melo Neto / The Severina death in Cândido Portinari and João Cabral de Melo Neto


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The purpose of this dissertation was to study the possible dialogue between art and literature because of the literary work of João Cabral de Melo Neto, Morte e vida severina and painter production of Candido Portinari, in particular the series of 1944 called: Retirantes, Criança morte e Enterro na rede, which the content that unites them is an expression of how the northeastern refugees dealt with death, indicate that Melo Neto and Portinari the migration process and the flight of the misfortunes experienced in the northeastern backlands seems to represent the possible output. Through a literature review and analysis of the poem and the works of Portinari, we conclude that to represent the drama experienced by these refugees, Portinari used expressionist aesthetic resources and the deformation and Melo Neto sought through the Pernambuco Regionalism and folklore, elements to portray the same situation painted by Portinari. Art and literature dialogue situations in common: the desire to express the way that these Brazilians were reluctant because of the difficulties caused by drought


morte sertão nordestino literatura artes visuais século xx historia da arte death the brazilian northeast literature visual arts twentieth century

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