A montagem de enclaves financeiros numa metrópole periférica: verso e reverso do planejamento urbano / Staging financial enclaves in a peripheral metropolis: the two sides of urban planning


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work analyzes the influence of contemporary political and economic transformations on urban law in Brazil. Departing from Lefebvres hypothesis that the city has become a central focus for the reproduction of the social relations of production, it is argued here that this branch of public law plays a crucial role in this phase of capitalism, providing the regulatory basis for the emergence of new economic activities related to urban space production and also establishing new kinds of partnership between the state and private agents. This work shows the connections between the theoretical conceptions of the city and its concrete dimension. Departing from the observation of some major urban intervention programs that take place at São Paulo city, it highlights the spread of models of urban policy inspired by discursive formulations like strategic planning and global cities. The work also investigates the role of some critical discourses and alternative political projects like the so called right to the city. It tries do find out in which way these factors can contribute to change life in cities, as well as their limitations. Finally, it aims at explaining the contradictory roles played by urban law, pointing out the different interests and political aspirations behind it.


direito urbanístico espaço urbano (direito urbanístico) land property operações urbanas planejamento territorial urbano right to the city segregation urban planning valorization

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