A monitoria na escola pública: sentidos e significados de professores e monitores / The monitorship model in public schools: sense and meanings of teachers and monitors




This paper aims at comprehending, in a critical way, the discussion about monitorship and the monitor formation in a High School in a public school in a city in the south of Minas Gerais State, in the creation of a context for a teacher and student formation research, through the comprehension of sense and meanings shared by teachers, monitors and researchers. It was developed in a High School Public school, in Cachoeira de Minas, south of Minas Gerais State and it is founded on Critical Research of Collaboration (MAGALHÃES2002, 2004 e 2007). Once this kind of methodology proposes learning and development for all of them involved in the research, the theorical frame is based on Socio-Historical-Cultural Activity Theory (TASHC) considering the discussions of Vygotsky, (1930/1978, 1934/2000, 1982/1999, 1935/2002), Leontiev (1959, 1978, 2004, 2005), Daniels (2003), Newman &Holzman (2002) e Engeström (1987, 1999, 2002), on activity and consciousness, mediation, ZPD and sense and meaning. It discusses language on collaboration and critical reflection, on the basis of (1929/2002), Magalhães (1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998a, 2000, 2009p), Van Manen (1977), Schön (1992/1995) and Garcia (1992/1995). The activity object in this research is the monitorship. The discussion result was performed on the basis of excerpts taken from interactions among the researcher, the teachers and the monitors along 11 meetings that took place in the project. It centers in categories developed by (1999/2007). The results show that: (i) teachers and monitors reconstructed their initial sense about monitorship; (ii) the roles of teachers and monitors got a new meaning; and (iii) the actions developed at school point to a new organization of the classroom context. They also show the importance of creating collaborative spaces in the research and the public school context, mainly when the focus is on intervention research


escolas publicas -- minas gerais, mg -- organizacao e administracao critical research of collaboration professores -- formacao profissional escola pública pesquisa crítica de colaboração monitorship sistema monitorial de educacao public school sentidos e significados monitoria sense and meanings linguistica aplicada

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