A model for exploratory navigation in the semantic web infrastructure / Um modelo de navegação exploratória para a infra-estrutura da web semântica




A model for exploratory navigation in the Semantic Web infrastructure called NAVE - Navigation and Exploration Model - is proposed. NAVE is based on literature of information searching, levels of information seeking activities, and an orienteering strategy. This model aims in particular at facilitating the design and development of exploratory navigation systems. It is described by a graphical representation of stages and decisions of the search process and their respective navigation support techniques, and recommendations. As a proof of concept and also to evaluate the feasibility of using NAVE in real-life applications, a system called ENS - Exploratory Navigation System - was developed. ENS is composed of a variety of navigation tools, enabling users to choose the appropriate tool or the best combination of tools (that is, the best strategy) in agreement with different levels of usersability, background, preferences, and kind of information they are looking for at moment. It enables users to prioritize different ways their choices of tools to use at each step in an orienteering strategy embedded on the model NAVE. These tools may present complementary advantages in an information searching task. ENS was evaluated in both qualitative and quantitative approach which served to refine research questions and explore the model NAVE. First, a usability study was conducted which combined a variety of methods, such as questionnaires, think-aloud, interview, and user log recording. This study provided insights regarding the tools and the underlying model which were considered in its further development. Second, an experimental study was conducted in order to compare the ENS with a keyword search approach. The findings provided statistical indications that participants had a better performance using the ENS


metadata metadados navegação web semântica navigation semantic web interactive retrieval recuperação interativa

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