A mediação social como instrumento de participação para a realização da cidadania




The present study presents social mediation as an instrument of participation able to promote citizenship, investigating its function of weaving and re-establishing social bonds, as well as making individuals more solidary and aware of their rights and duties. Political and pedagogical functions of social mediation were investigated in order to achieve the objectives, observing the parameters established by the concept. The former involved the investigation of the participation process which involves social mediation and mediators role in historical domination context. The latter concerned dialogic, participative and pacifying functions of social mediation, evidencing the value of the citizens word, the importance of mediator participation on choosing the original matters to be discussed in mediation process and on uncovering reality and the mediation conflict. The investigation adopted an explorative qualitative research, with dialectical and historic-structural focus, using case study as research technique. The central analysis was made on mothers of special children in Águas Lindas de Goiás (Brazil). Their mediation process was promoted by the Programa Justiça Comunitária (Communitarian Justice Programme), in partnership with the Justice Court of Federal District and territories, in Federal District. The main strategy of data collection consisted on semistructured interviews. The proposed hypothesis - social mediation as an instrument of participation able to promote citizenship - was partially confirmed, since the potential of participation created by mediation process was positively evaluated, and since the representatives of mothers of special children of Águas Lindas were committed with fighting for their rights.


social mediation mediação social ciencia politica participation - citizenship participação - cidadania

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