A mãe que trabalha fora: a criança e a família em relação ao trabalho materno / The working mother: the child and family in relation to maternal employment


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aimed to investigate how the variable \"out-of-home work\" affects the constitution of the place of the mother to the child. We used a methodology of field research, qualitative in nature, from the comparative study of six middle-class families in São Paulo. We executed semi-directed interviews with the couples and applied the Procedure of Family Drawings with Stories, proposed by Walter Trinca (1997), with the children. Our study sought to articulate the knowledge gained from the history of the trajectory of the bourgeois family, with contributions offered by the analysis of drawings and interviews with the families inserted within this context, also counting on the help of the theoretical basis of psychoanalysis. Our data showed that the mothers that work out of home, as an insulated factor, does not seem to discriminate between the two groups. We found that the most important factors are related to the establishment of conjugality and parenthood. Another aspect identified was associated with the possibility of the participation of the father. This aspect has demonstrated a strong relationship with marital satisfaction, equally influential in the child´s perception of his place in the family


school-age children parentalidade casal de dupla carreira crianças em idade escolar desenho da família drawing of the family dual career couples gender roles papéis de gênero parent-child relationship parenthood relação pais-criança

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