A luta pelo reconhecimento: uma crÃtica universalista ao argumento multiculturalista contemporÃneo




Many works from the contemporary political theory give a special attention to politics of recognition. The following thesis focuses the analysis away from political philosophy and towards the politics of multiculturalism, while continuing explore the links between them. I begin with an analyses of the paradigm of The Politics of Recognition from Charles Taylor and his theoretical sources, and consider others contemporary theories of recognition and theirs sources, namely those of Axel Honneth, Nancy Fraser, Will Kimlicka, John Rawls and JÃrgen Habermas. After I turn to analyze the interdependence between recognition, critical theory and universalism of rights. In my view this is the unique way to an authentic recognition in democratic liberals and pluralistics societies


teoria crÃtica critical theory multiculturalismo universalismo multiculturalism autenticidade moral development liberalism democracy authenticity liberalismo reconhecimento ciencia politica universalism desenvolvimento moral recognition democracia

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