A ludicidade no desenvolvimento da expressão oral: uma experiência com estudantes da graduação em Letras.




Teaching experience enables the observation that, despite eleven years of formal schooling, students consistently show, upon entry to university, difficulty in expressing themselves orally. Whilst seeking the epistemological, pedagogic, linguistic and psychological foundations of the roots of this problem, this research attempt to grasp the relationship between ludic activities and development of oral expression. The aim is therefore to investigate the relation between ludicity and development of students expressive and communicative potential; or, more specifically, to understand how ludic teaching practices enable development of their expressiveness. In recent decades, pscyhologists, sociologists and pedagogues have pondered the importance of ludic activities in the dynamics of an individuals all-round development. Contextualizing some of these approaches, using contributions from theories that unveil a systemic approach to human beings and reality whilst, at the same time, linking the psychosomatic foundations of expressiveness researched by Wilhelm Reich with the concept of ludicity presented by Cipriano Luckesi, this study discussed the foundations of a pedagogic proposal geared towards maximizing students oral expression. During this undertaking, the methodology used was that of Action-Research, working empirically for one academic semester with students enrolled in the Oral Expression Laboratory, one of the modules under the basic curriculum for undergraduates in Modern Languages at Bahia State University. The research suggests that, upon permitting contact with the whole being through an integrative experience of feeling/thinking/doing, ludicity constitutes a valuable resource for recreating student spontaneity, creativity and self-confidence, thus contributing to the emergence of more complete and meaningful oral expression.


oral expression integral education ludicity expressão oral ludicidade educacao wilhelm reich wilhelm reich educação integral

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