A low cost piezoelectric valve-less diaphragm pump. / Desenvolvimento de uma bomba de fluxo piezelétrica de diafragma.




Flow pumps act as important devices in areas as Bioengineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, among other areas of Engineering. Principles for pumping fluids based on piezoelectric actuators have been studied in the Department of Mechatronic and Mechanical Engineering of Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, that allow the construction of small flow pumps, in other words, pumps for displacement of small fluid volumes with low power consumption. The present work studies valveless piezoelectric diaphragm flow pumps for flow generation. The piezoelectric diaphragm flow pump uses a piezoelectric ceramic as actuator to move a membrane (diaphragm) up and down as a piston. Consequently, there is a sequence of increase and decrease in the chamber volume that will force the fluid in and out of the pump. The direction of the flow is guaranteed by valves that privilege the flow in just one pumping direction. The main objective of this work is the study of a methodology to develop a low cost valve-less piezoelectric diaphragm flow pump. A sensitivity analysis is carried using computational simulation through the Finite Element Method (FEM) to study how construction parameters and assembly affect diaphragm flow pump performance. Using CFD simulations through the Finite Volume Method (FVM), a sensitivity analysis is done around nozzle/diffuser element geometrical parameters and pump characteristic curves are obtained. Finally, computational results are validated by prototype construction and characterization. The text presents methodologies employed and discusses the obtained results, analyzing the principle and the related physical phenomena.


atuadores piezelétricos dinâmica dos fluídos finite element method método dos elementos finitos fluid dynamics piezoelectric actuator

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