A literatura na revolução : contribuições literarias de Astrojildo Pereira e Alina Paim para uma politica cultural do PCB nos anos 50




The 50 s were for the PCS, the Srazilian communíst party, one of the most important moments in its history of cultural production. The communist press had seen its clímax as the second biggest Srazilian press agency in the republican capital. The party had grown in the legacy period after 1945. The repression in the fifties, however, seemed to put an end to its political life, but besides ali this, the literature was to be a part of its role: Zhdanov s socialist realism was the way this party would be fighting for the hegemony. Two literary production can show how this worked in the Brazilian context. In a crítical essay, Astrojildo Pereira tries to re-write the history of Brazilian literature, taking into consíderation the role of Brazilian intelligentsia and trying to track ín the canon the marks of a revolutionary tradition. On the other hand, the novelist Alina Paim goes ahead and tries an experimental novel about a real strike of railroad workers of Rede Mineira de Viação in 1950 ín the Vale do Paraíba area, crossed by the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. Astrojildo Pereira s essay is probably part of a major discussion about cultural polítics for Brazilian literature in communísts meetings. Alina Paim s novel is the result of these discussions: this author was sent as a communist jounalist to interview people in order to . write a novef, telling about the strike experience and the PC s influence on it. This work tries to unveil something of how literature worked for this political group and how this polítical cultural they propose was a way of building the ideologícal cohesion in a difficult moment of repression


politica cultural literatura brasileira realismo socialista

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