A lírica gilkiana : eros e suas representações sociais




The way Eros was represented since antiquity until about the 70s of the twentieth cen-tury was an element of repression of women. Its representations, ideologically treated, became an instrument of control of thought, word and female behavior, exempting from the analogical relation with the religious context only the act (of desire), the control objective. Accordingly, the association between Literature and Social Representations, based on the common pillars that sustain it, the symbolic and the language, allowed the operation of analytical readings of Eros and the erotic content in the work of Gilka Machado, a symbolist poet. The objective of this study was to identify the representation of Eros and eroticism in the poetry of Gilka Ma-chado, based on the theory of Social Representations. The study was made possible because, in addition to common pillars, these areas focus the relationship between the data and built, in Literature, and the subject taken from reality and the subject returned to it, in the Social Re-presentations, aspects that ultimately are very similar in its genesis, once they arise from so-ciety in its expression and significance of the moment. The study covered the work of Gilka Machado gathered in the volume "Complete Poems", which includes all her books.


representações sociais simbolysm literatura simbolismo eros social representations eros literatura brasileira literature

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