A língua inglesa como marca da pós-modernidade: considerações sobre seu uso comercial em Joinville




This paper has the objective of studying the use of the English language to name commercial organizations in Joinville, state of Santa Catarina Brazil, considering the notion of postmodernity, and using as an analysis device the Peircean semiotics. Taking into account the ideas of Fredric Jameson, Jean-François Lyotard and Stuart Hall, I regard as postmodern elements: the loss of cultural identity, the disbelief in ancestors tradition, and the capitalism allied with globalization. Therefore, I relate these elements to the occurrence of the linguistic phenomenon that I study here. The city context shows a cultural fragmentation that can be understood, considering the rupture in relation to the German culture, inherited from the immigrants, and associating it with the contact to other cultures, because of the constant migration. The corpus analyzed was a set of streets that are situated in the central area of the city, and some neighborhoods. It includes a considerable number of businesses, so it was possible to have a significant figure, in terms of percentage. This analysis made use of semiotics to categorize the signs, according to the trichotomic Peircean classification and, it identified: icons, indexes and symbols. The conclusion of this paper is that, the commercial use of the English language in this community refers more to the visual context, than to the linguistic one, so it does not indicate that the foreign language has being used as means of communication to the detriment of the Portuguese language.


língua inglesa icon modernidade propaganda joinville peircean semiotics anúncios comerciais postmodernity educacao index sign symbol

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