A liminaridade na profissão do ator : a experiência do LUME-UNICAMP / The liminality in the actor profession : the experience of LUME-UNICAMP


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




"Using and developing the concept of "liminality" and "communitas" by Victor Turner, this studies the process by which an actor departs from his daily and social personality, discovering in himself new perspectives and qualities of being, unknown or forgotten, that enable him in the creative process. Looking to philosophy and religion (Eastern and Western) and some esoteric traditions (Gurdjieff and Yoga, for example) we look for records that could be precursors of this process, which were not quite theater, but became theater in a few moments of its history Then, we investigate the existence and importance of this process within the art research developed by LUME - Unicamp, which was experienced both practically and theoretically. Luís Otávio Burnier - the LUME founder - in his thesis, for example, talks about how to awaken the person of the actor and how to activate his deeper potential of energy using a kind of energetic training . By studying the psychophysical process that lies behind the work and the physical exhaustion entailed by this training , we realize why it could be called a kind of vertical psychophysical technique. Studying the context and the experiences through which this technique was passed on to Burnier, we see how this interest in vertical techniques, that promote the creative dimension of the actor, can be found in several studies of the performing arts in the twentieth century. A brief study is also made of the trajectories of Stanislavski, Grotowski and Peter Brook who, in their own ways, brought theatrical art to a systematic search for a human quality in the moment of the artistic event


representação teatral criatividade atores - trabalho antropologia social espiritualidade acting creativeness actor´s work social anthropology spirituality

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