A leitura nas representações sociais de professores do ensino médio




The possibility of reading acquisition and practice is connected with other types of behavior, which are the result of social practices. It requires, for its production, the concurrence of social, historical and cultural effects, regarding the ways each individual realizes it, particularly as far as it affects the establishment and dynamics of affective, cognitive and social relations of a symbolic nature, which each individual maintains with the production of their culture. Although social-historical contexts regulate knowledge and practice, some of them are reconfigured from the practices that take place at school. The present study is situated within the theoretical field of social representations and aims at identifying social representations, as well as which roles teachers attribute to reading, since these are crucial for reading acts and for the prescription of reading to their students. The research study was developed inside a state school in Londrina PR. A total of 14 teachers, who were responsible for the subjects related to High School and Undergraduate Teaching School, constituted the sample. The processes adopted for the proposal of the study, its development and data analysis include it within the perspective of quali-quantitative studies. For the collection of data, the following instruments were used: a set of tests of free words association, with three verbal investigators related to: reading and a scale of reading functions. Data showed that the most valued reading functions were: learning, leisure, utility and stimulus, results which converge with the others obtained from other reported research in pertaining literature. The analysis of attributed value correlations to reading functions appointed eight significant values, distributed within the interval -0.64 to +0.75. From the set of tests of free words association, it was registered that the most evoked words, respectively by verbal inductor, were: for ‘reading is..’: pleasure; knowledge; information and leisure; ‘the reader is...’: intelligent and curious, informed and attentive; ‘reading is...’: knowing, getting informed; relaxing, pleasant, enjoyable and culture. The justifications of words evoked and numbered as the most important ones made it evident that the semantic fields of these investigators’ core nucleus elements circumscribe reading, the reader, and act of reading as an activity that involves the accumulative process of information and school content, without omitting their relations with pleasure, utility and leisure dimensions. The analysis and discussion of results support the hypothesis that living conditions within a certain social-historical context affect meanings attributed to reading by the individual and his group, and indicate that roles attributed to reading derive from the strength of elements constituting the core and peripheral nucleus of the studied representations. The importance, within the educational field, of understanding reading as a symbolic construction, deriving from these personal and social conditions is highlighted, by focusing on school practices related to reading.


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