A leitura de hipertextos em inglês por alunos do ensino médio




This study aims at (1) developing English reading activities for students of Ensino Médio focused on the education of a reader who is able to establish responsive understanding of the texts he reads and (2) analyzing the students interactions with selected website hypertexts in order to understand which aspects of the interaction may enhance meaning construction. The work is based on the concepts of utterances (Bakhtin, 1997, 2002) and responsive understanding (Bakhtin, 1997, 2002); the sociointeractionist view (Vygotsky, 1995, 1998), the development of reading capabilities (Rojo, 2004) and reading in hypertext environment (Burbules &Callister, 1996; Burbules ,1997; Lemke, 2002, 2005, Braga, 2005; Ribeiro, 2005; Marcuschi, 2005). The methodological approach was the case study. The English learning material consisted of a sequence of reading activities. The analysis of the meaning construction considered the students performance in the activities, their interactions with the teacher and with the computer as a technological tool. The results show that the development of reading capabilities focused on responsive understanding, as well as the interaction of the students with the teacher and the technological tool contributed to the education of a reader who is able to establish responsive understanding of the hypertexts he reads. The visually salient information of electronic hypertexts was particularly important in the meaning construction process. Cognate words, symbols, numbers, proper nouns, single images and images associated with verbal language, which were visually salient in the hypertexts segments, were mediational artifacts for meaning construction. Hypertext links were used by the students not only as searching tools, but also as artifacts for meaning construction in the reading process


hipertextos sistema hipertexto letramento digital capacidades de leitura ensino médio hypertexts reading leitura reading capabilities linguistica aplicada lingua inglesa -- estudo e ensino -- ensino auxiliado por computador digital literacy lingua inglesa (ensino medio)

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