A ironia da realidade e os paradoxos da razão política: diversidade, sociabilidade e dinâmicas político-religiosas em espaços de luta pela terra no Rio Grande do Sul. / The irony of reality and the paradoxes of political reason: diversity, sociality and politico-religious dynamics in spaces of the struggle for land in Rio Grande do Sul.




The analysis presented in this thesis seeks to understand processes of engagement and retribution among people involved in the struggle for land, led by the MST (Landless Movement). Based on empirical research conducted at one encampment and two settlements (one new and the other old) located in Rio Grande do Sul, it was found that a fairly diverse public engages in this struggle, motivated by the possibility of gains that involve more than just the conquest of land. Adopting a perspective that at once privileges the micro without neglecting the macro level and that pays particular attention to dimensions concerning religion and religiosities, it was possible to perceive that joining the MST constituted an opportunity that people seized motivated by logics that are not, in the vast majority of cases, those defined by political reason. To experience religious offerings and to incorporate oneself into the MST encampment are not exclusive possibilities but rather efficient alternatives in the search for a better life. Even though the diversity of social expression was relatively controlled in the encampment, symbols and myths populate that space and create unexpected realities. To suspect, as those in the camps often did, that practices of witchcraft were occurring in restricted political meetings of the camp, indicates that that space, taken as a whole, is colonized by a variety of forces. It becomes evident, however, that in day-today dynamics of these spaces the religious and the political interpenetrate. In the face of this kind of dynamic, it is possible to perceive the creation, as much in the settlements as in the encampment (despite the greater control in the latter), of small communities defined by moral codes of conduct. Even though the unitary image that is created by and about the MST as well as its recognition as a catalyzing organization of diffuse interests is part of and enters into the reality of these spaces, the reality that is constructed there is much more complex than this. Thus, it is concluded that there is not an imposition over identities that ends up forming one single, solid, coherent identity.


mst religião luta pela terra acampamento assentamento. ciencias sociais aplicadas mst religion struggle for land encampment settlements.

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