A invenção no Do orador de Cícero: um estudo à luz de Ad Familiares I, 9, 23 / The invention of Ciceros On the Orator: a study under the light of Ad Familiares I, 9, 23




The present thesis investigates, in its first part, rhetorical inventio as presented in Marcus Tullius Ciceros On the orator. Its starting point is Ciceros own comments in Ad Familiares I, 9, 23 that the libri De oratore shun the regular precepts and comprise the whole oratorical doctrine of the ancients, both the Aristotelian and the Isocratic ones. In order to achieve such goal, Antoniuss presentation (2.99-216) is compared to both the treatment given to the same issue in the artes, which predate the dialogue, and that of Aristotles Rhetoric. The second part presents De oratores first complete translation into Portuguese.


cicero inventio rhetoric cícero aristóteles invenção artes artes aristotle retórica

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