A interrogação em sateré-mawé


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The purpose of this study, composed by seven chapters, is to present a proposal of description and analysis of the interrogative system of Sateré-Mawé language. The first chapter presents some historic, demographic and sociolinguistic considerations about the Brazilian Indian people. The second chapter presents some information about Sateré-Mawé people and their language. The third chapter presents the theoretical fundaments of the functionalism structural, the groundwork for the description and analysis proposed here. The fourth chapter illustrates the description of the methodology applied in this study, like some information about the searching context and the analysis corpus constitution. The fifth chapter shows the interrogative constructions which are possible in different languages. The sixth chapter makes clear some proposals about the functioning of the interrogative system of Tupi languages. The seventh and last chapter presents our understanding about your interrogative system, which contains total and partial questions. The total questions are mostly marked by an interrogative particle, which serves for focus on some linguistic unity. The partial questions are optionally marked by an interrogative particle, but obligatorily marked by an interrogative proform, simple or complex, which serves for substituting some unity and questioning about it. The employment of simple interrogative proforms is conditioned by the speakers intention of questioning about some actant, which refers to a human or non-human referent. On the other hand, the employment of complex interrogative proforms is conditioned by the speakers intention of questioning about placement, manner, some non-human referent, quantity or time.


sateré-mawé language (tupi) morphosyntax interrogative system total and partial questions língua sateré-mawé (tupi) línguas indígenas morfossintaxe sistema interrogativo perguntas totais e parciais linguistica Índios da américa do sul - línguas língua mawé indian languages

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