A inteligência da música popular: a autenticidadeno samba e no choro / The intelligence of authenticity in popular music samba and choro




Starting from the intellectual, symbolic and material disputes that intertwine both muscial genres heralded as the Nations identifiers: samba and choro, I analyse the constitution and reproduction of an artistic microcosm possessor of relatively autonomous aesthetic parameters. Covering a long historical period with the intent of showing that the densification of institutions aimed at the sheltering of popular music ensues a counterpart, one of stemming the engaged parties whose efforts aim at dissociating the popular musical productions between the ones they regard as authentic from the inauthentic, a grouping which I denominate popular music intelligentsia. This implied establishing under which conditions, when and through the action of which actors such microcosm was yielded, a space that managed to direct the appreciations and investements of everyone inserted in the urban popular music activity.


intelectuais samba samba choro indústria cultural intellectuals popular music choro cultural industry música popular

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