A integralidade na fonte do consultório de rua do SUS


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This masters dissertation broach the theme of integral attention in the health care cracks dependents, alcohol and other drugs, homeless, whereof documents related to Project of Street s Office in the Sistema Único de Saúde of Brazil between 2010 and 2011. Integrality can be understood as an articulated group of measures, both preventive and curative, to promote health in its entirety. The objective of this research was demonstrated the presence of elements favoring integrality, as well as its contradictions. Documents were categorized into four groups: legal, institutional, journalism and social networking. It was formed the corpus of analysis: four institutional projects were submitted to the Ministry of Health, two profiles of Internet social networking site and seventy-seven news Streets Office. The method used was the dialectical-critical and the analysiss technique to be based on Bardin (1979) et al. The results show that it is possible to identify elements of the integrality in the documents. There was, however, in some materials concomitant the presence of some elements that favor and others that hamper the application of the principle of integrality. In the news is considerable the absence of elements of integrality. In internet profiles as well as institutional documents it is possible to identify the presence of a great number of criterions of integrality, extrapolate, ever, the size of the approach.


serviÇo social drogas sistema Único de saÚde servico social

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