A institucionalização das políticas públicas de juventude no Brasil: um olhar sobre o direito à participação a partir dos Projetos de Lei 4529/2004 e 4530/2004




The institutionalization of public policy for youth won more breathing space from the decade of 90. In Brazil, the major step to consolidate it, is negociating in the House of Representatives the draft law 4.529/2004 and 4.530/2004, dealing respectively with the Statute and the National Plan for Youth. The right to participation, anticipated in our Federal Constitution of 1988, reflected directly on the building of a Democratic State, creating mechanisms for closer political power to the creation of public spaces of deliberation. The policy for youth, treating the young as agent of development and a subject with rights, pointing the participate as central issue, including bringing it in various legal devices. Thus, in the light of the method of comparative law, there is the similarities and differences between the laws of Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia.


politica publica e populacao institutionalization políticas públicas juventude constitutional law institucionalização, direito comparado public policy youth participation comparative law direito constitucional participação

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