A institucionalização da atividade de segurança comunitária na polícia militar do Distrito Federal




The objective of this study was to analyze the process of institutionalization the organizational practice of communitarian security at the Military Police of Federal District (PMDF), it started since 2003 and approached for the secretary of public security an social defense of Federal District with the speech to favor a legitimacy and improvement a useful of public security in Federal District besides the approximation and partnership with communities where the sectors that components of public security system works. As regards to the methodology, was carried out the qualitative research through a study of case the communitarian security program that developed by secretary of public security and social defense of Federal District and established in PMDF. From the theoretical referential constituted by the thematic of the communitarian Policing and Institutional theory and institutionalization, mainly as for the institutionalization, institutional isomorphism, and to the institutionalization factors: leadership, legal structure, resources and structure, bonds, evaluation and legitimacy. Moreover, it was established that the communitarian security activity already acquired the cognitive legitimacy in Military Police by means of the mimetic isomorphism and for an acceptance of the practices of communitarian security adopted in the PMDF. However is not yet institutionalized, meeting in a semi-institutionalization phase and it was not observed evidence or signal of backing institutionalization process. Its also confirmed in bonds construct analysis the importance of establishment the communitarian security council that emerged with an objective of sedimentary and does the pressure for an institutionalization of the communitarian security activity allowing a largest approximation between police and community. Still about bonds constructs occur veiled oppositions, disclosed between the lines of interview mainly about partnerships with non governmental organizations in a formulation as a whole with PMDF of public politics of security in a Federal District. The results suggest that the tendency as for predominance of coercitive and mimetic mechanism of institutional pressure for change movements and stability in a police organization studied. Moreover, it was perceived by interviewed the necessity sedimentary practical of this program in the environment of Military Police as a whole. For this, the institutionalization of communitarian security analysis indicated as crucial factors to consolidate the communitarian policing is full financing, involvement of all organization in this process, community sensitization, conviction the external partners, and an more effective institutional change mainly in a politics of professional qualifications, mechanism of police xi activities control, as well as changes in organizational structure that permit authority delegation, and in a institutional culture of PMDF still extremely ingrained in traditional repressive policing and in a rigorous hierarchy system that they intervene with the dimension of the moral and cognitive legitimacy, this changes can being able to contribute in the perpetuation and transcendence of the communitarian security activity inside the institution.


isomorphism administracao institutional theory military police - federal district (brazil) community policing administração - segurança pública polícia militar - organização - distrito federal (brasil)

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