A inserção de atividades experimentais no ensino de física em nível médio : em busca de melhores resultados de aprendizagem




In this project we introduced experimental activities throughout the lecture in order to promote the theory-practical integration, aiming the meaningful learning of Physics contents in the High School level. With this purpose in mind, we produced supporting material, like manuals containing experimental activities, including guide with basic texts regarding the theoretical background related to the topics under discussion during the lessons, and guidance about the protocols to be developed for the accomplishment of the experimental activities, within the perspective of promoting the theory-practical integration. The theoretical background of this study was the significant learning theory introduced by David Ausubel, which has as its main characteristic the approach of taking into account, in a systematic way, the previous knowledge of the learner. The study was accomplished using two groups of students from Centro Educational n 4, Ceilândia, DF. The first group, with 23 students, was evaluated as the experimental group using the methodology presented here whereas the second group of students, with 28 individuals, was used as the control group while submitted to the traditional lecture protocols. The study was implemented during the second term of 2005. The results show that the experimental group presented better performance than the control group, indicating that the applied methodology makes easier the significant learning of the introduced physical concepts. The methodology of taking data incorporated participative observations, writing tests throughout the semester and an evaluating questionnaire. The educational product resulting from this study, recorded in a CD-ROM and integrated to this dissertation, will be disclosed to the interested teachers with the purpose to support them in their pedagogical practice. Educational systematization, highlighting the knowledge organization while incorporating experimental activities tailored to solve specific problems, provides an effective strategy to achieve the meaningful learning of physical concepts at the High School level.


ciências (ensino fundamental) ciência - experiências outros química - estudo e ensino física - estudo e ensino

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