A inserÃÃo no mercado de trabalho via informalidade: uma avaliaÃÃo do programa de geraÃÃo de trabalho e renda em Fortaleza / The insertion in the informal sector: an evaluation of the program of work generation and income by BNB in the city of Fortaleza, on years 90


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation works consists in an avaluation of the work public policy, implanted in Brazil in the decade of 1990. Such policy had the objective of reduce the unemployment raise and precarious work effects, caused by the worldwide funds globalization and the productive restructuration processes. From an analisis of Castell contributions and national scientific production, it was possible to fix the analytic basis about the work centralization and its transformations, relating them with other productions about public policy avaluations. Such studies made the clees identification and questions formulations possible about the research problem, that consisted in enquirements about how far the work public policy was enough to supply the demands of the work market. Next to this bibliographic study, it was elaborated an exploratory and descriptive research whose datas was coleted from primary and secondary sources, having the PROGER Urbano as if a phenomenon of study, executed by Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A, in the city of Fortaleza, on the period between 1995-2002. It is suggested that the work public policy, developed by the PROGER Urbano, achieved, in part, the objectives for whom it was made, once the precarious conditions of the informal occupations remained, the financed business had low support rate and execution errors compromised the program results. As a contribution to the public policies avaluation theme, it concludes the study proposing an avaluation methodology to credit programs to informal sector.


politica publica e populacao informalidade desemprego avaliaÃÃo polÃticas pÃblicas administraÃÃo gerencial trabalho e renda politicas de emprego microfinanÃas financiamento pÃblico crÃdito informality unemployment evaluation public politics managemental administration work and income politics of job microfinanÃas public financing credit microeconomia â cearà integraÃÃo ao mercado de trabalho melhoria das condiÃÃes de trabalho economia polÃtica â cearà economia social â cearà polÃtica trabalhista â cearà trabalho e emprego â cearÃ

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