A influência das atividades econômicas no desenvolvimento humano, na exclusão social e na concentração de renda no Brasil 2000




This articles objective is to analyze the 5.507 Brazilian cities, in 2000 year, through the relation between the respective rates: Human Development Rate (HDR) and cities predominant economical fields. That is conducive to more efficient public policies which will supply a better life quality. The cities were arranged by economical fields (agricultural, industrial, services and no predominance) according to its relative GNI participation on these fields, and a participation rate over 50% in these cities economy. After GNI distribution analyzes by cities group, it was tested through MOODs median test the difference between the GNI and the citys economical field. It is possible to note that industrial cities GNIs are higher, and that the others shows GNIs alike.After the test had been done, it was possible to conclude that the industrial cities had a higher Human Development Rate and the services economy cities had shown the worst results on HDR.


exclusão social gross national income city human development and brazilian cities atividades econômicas economia desenvolvimento humano

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