A Influência da Espiritualidade Inaciana na Fundação da Cidade de São Paulo




This study intends to reflect about what were the Jesuits motivation to come to Brazil and the inacian influence in the foundation of São Paulo city and even in the Brazilian way of being. I tried to identify, in their actions, the simple act of christianize or a deeper and wider desire. I reached the conclusion that they were moved by Inácio de Loyolas spirituality who taught how to evangelize. Due to that, the respect to the indigenous culture and all the interaction work. They had problems concerning to the Christian dogmas in confrontation with the aboriginal thought. To facilitate this situation theyve created educational institutions that became places of humanist and religious formation. One of these schools, thanks to the intense dedication of professor Jose de Anchieta, attracted numerous inhabitants and turned to be the birth of a city that, today it is the second bigger city of the world


colégios espiritualidade inaciana schools josé de anchieta foundation of são paulo city espiritualidade inaciana sao paulo (cidade) -- historia jesuitas -- sao paulo (cidade) -- historia foundation of são paulo city inacio de loyola -- santo -- 1491-1556 josé de anchieta jesuitas -- sao paulo (cidade) -- historia sao paulo (cidade) -- historia fundação de são paulo anchieta, jose de -- padre -- 1534-1597 -- sao paulo (cidade) -- historia inácio de loyolas spirituality Índios schools colégios inácio de loyolas spirituality indigenous inaciode loyola -- santo -- 1491-1556 jesuits jesuítas jesuitas fundação de são paulo anchieta, jose de -- padre -- 1534-1597 jesuits historia josé de anchieta Índios indigenous

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