A inclusão digital e a reprodução do capitalismo contemporâneo / Digital inclusion and the reproduction of contemporary capitalism




This Doctoral Thesis is dedicated to the study of the historical and cultural significance of Social Programs of Digital Inclusion (SPDI), defined as a set of initiatives aimed at disseminating the use of informatics tools among social groups excluded from access to digital technologies, above all for reasons of an economic nature. These programs are analyzed in the current context of the restructuring of capitalism and of the international hierarchic relations it engenders. This context will be analyzed based on the critical and theoretical repertoire of the area of Communications, since contemporary capitalist relations make intensive use of the creation and circulation of signs as a form of value appropriation. Within the processes of communication, the so-called digital network media, whose dissemination of informatics tools are the linchpin of SPDI, stand out as forerunners. The research problem is founded on the fact that the appropriation of digital techniques such as those enabled by SPDI does not achieve its objective; in other words, the outcomes of these policies are restricted or even voided by the very logic of reproduction of capitalism, which, today, needs the process of social informatization in order to produce value. The principal hypothesis of this work therefore advocates the existence of a subordinate inclusion, promoted by SPDI as a form of valuing the typical products of cyberculture through the extensive and intensive exploitation of specific labor, which is required by the contemporary organization of capitalism. In other words, SPDI act as an aggravating factor of the domination to which their clientele are subjected and not as an emancipative force, thus contradicting the very purposes of these programs. Because the workplan of this research involved exclusively theoretical and epistemological reflection, the methodology adopted here was basically founded upon bibliographical research, guided by concerns regarding the issue of social critique. The structure of the argument is divided into three areas, namely: 1) contemporary capitalism and indistinction between economy and culture; 2) communication based on vectors of informatization of the quotidian and of mediatic saturation; and 3) digital inclusion and social organization of cyberculture. The theoretical body of reference is composed of contemporary authors such as Baudrillard, Bauman, Giddens, Kumar, Sfez, Trivinho and Virilio, among others, and is based on the perspectives of dromology, post-structuralism, post-modernism, post- Marxism, the theory of biopolitics, and the current critique of communications and of the mediatic civilization. The findings of this research contribute toward a renewed understanding of the theme and, above all, to the demystification of the social and historical role of digital inclusion


capitalismo computadores e civilizacao digital inclusion glocal mediatic saturation inclusão digital inclusao digital glocal informatização communication saturação mediática capitalismo contemporâneo contemporary capitalism informatization comunicação comunicacao

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