A incineração de resíduos sólidos: análise custo benefício do incinerador de resíduos sólidos do P-sul-DF




The object of his preposition is to analyse the benefit and costs of the solid waste incineration. The conceptual frame is about the economy of the welfare, the analyses of benefit cost and the management of the solid waste. The only option of treatment of the special wastes in Distrito Federal is the solid waste incinerator in Ceilândia, and it was one of the agents that induced the developing of this piece of work. In this research it was analysed one disposal alternative since the incineration is largely criticized by high operational costs and its efficiency in the result of the burning gases treatment, in despite of its use in the main countries of Europe, including as alternative source of heat recover and energy power production. After technical economic and environmental surveys it was made a comparison between the existent treatment unit and the construction a landfill in the same areas, with information raised from the treatment unit, with Belacap and bibliographic sources. The main contribution of this subject consists on provoking/instigating an investigation about the practical use of disposal and treatment of solid waste, without as previous study about the viability of economical and environmental used method, considering the particular characters of each assisted region.


resíduos sólidos solid wastes cost-benefit analyse incineração análise custo-benefício ceilândia plant incineration planta de ceilândia custo-benefício economia ambiental - distrito federal (brasil) economia

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