A imputação objetiva pelas lesões permanentes e óbitos nos acidentes de trabalho




This research is built in a combination with the analytic and dialetic methods. It has the approach directed to a discussion of charging criminal objective and his tipificacion, for the cases of permanent injuries and deaths in work accidents. The general objective was to argue the pertinent doctrine and the legislation to the environment of the work in the fields of the civil and warfare area, therefore, from the specific conceptualization of the behaviors, to verify the objective imputation of the responsibilities for the occurrence of the harmful events in the work environment. In this sense this research is based on the principle of risk through the theory of the allowed risk and the forbidden risk. And it complements the theory of increased risk to objectively discuss the allocation of responsibilities of occupational accidents and employment-related accidents to the administrator.


periculosidade direito do trabalho acidentes do trabalho responsabilidade civil objetiva responsibility in the work environment employment-related accidents objective civil liability lesões permanentes e óbitos no trabalho teoria do risco theory of risk responsabilidade no ambiente do trabalho responsabilidade penal teoria da imputação objetiva social security legislation theory of objective allocation permanent injuries and deaths at work legislação previdenciária

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