A importância estratégica do potássio para o Brasil.






ABSTRACT: This paper presents the strategic importance of potassium (K) in Brazil, focusing four aspects: the function in the plant; the K content of Brazilian soil; the different K forms; and its demand in the Brazilian agricultural system. The K is not a structural element of plants, but it participates in many biochemical plant processes, like carbohydrates and proteins synthesis, showing its economical importance in terms of production. A major problem in Brazilian soils is the leaching process due to the rain regimes. Since k is a very soluble ion in the soil profile, it must be replaced in regular basics to the culture. There are five sources of K, all them of high solubility. Less soluble K compounds have been studied as a way to minimize the leaching problem. Brazil imported 88,5% of the K consumed in 2002, coming from Canada, Germany, Russia and Israel. The organic agriculture and pasture reclamation are rising as potential markets for new forms of K.


socioeconomia potássio fertilizante mercado demanda importação exportação cerrado brasil socioeconomic potassium fertilizers economics markets demand imports exports brazil

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