A importancia das relações interpessoais na educação de adultos




The work that we present is the result of practice retlections lived in a School of the State System of Education, specifically, with the suppletive course of second grade. To comprehend the importance of interpersonals relations in the process of apprenticeship of adult pupil, situated in that context is the center of our search. Into this perspective, we situate the inefficiency of Institutions, that to manifest incompetent, also, to interact with that category of pupil. In the elaboration of work appeared us fundamental to characterize the universe where happened the facts and the groups wrap up and mainly, to describe the feeling get through of the immediate contact with situation studied, retracting the perspective of the informers. We adapt the dialetic boarding, actuating directly with the concrete and in the made actions, in the process that investigate both agents of learning situation: the teacher and the pupil, analysing them dialectly. With principal instruments, we utilize ourselves of informal dialogs with pupils and teachers, situations pertaining in scholar rotine, analyse of pupils productions and of academician. As result of that investigation we certify the existence of scholar context where the crash of the adult pupil is had as routine without argue seriously your causes or propose themselves, an altemative work in that sense. Permeating that structure, exist a preconceived idea, where the adult pupilload with him the stigma of "unsuccessful" that depreciate himself steem, depreciating his realization and becoming his competence susceptible to process of progressive loss of value. We believe that the work proposed, will contribut to a critical reflection of the adult education, supplying them of subsidys to realizing of a self criticism coherente in relation to own performance while educators


educação escolas noturnas fracasso escolar relações humanas educação de adultos

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