A importancia das materias-primas na competividade do segmento de revestimentos ceramicos




This work reviews some of the aspects associated with the evolution of the tile industry ali over the world and the Brazil s role in this market. Emphasis is given to technological evolution, increase of production and the raw materiais new requirements (specitications and quality control). The fast tire technology development is responsible for extraordinary increasing of the consumption due to cost savings and improvement of the product quality. It is discussed the supply structure of the raw materiais, from the major production countries, emphasising the Brazilian competitiveness, where quality and price are evaluated. Regarding the Brazil s raw materiais producers the following aspects could be stressed: lack of infTa structure, shortage of skilled labour, limited tinancial resources and no access to the best technology; these are the systemic restrictions restrained with the small and meddle-sized companies: the major structural constraints pointed out here is the poor communication mechanism into the productive chain (producer to consumer) in order to establish the criteria and specitications for better raw materiais; other obstacles are low levei of technology ofthe productive and managerial processes. Fast restructuring ofthe tirms is necessary, chiefly for small and middle size tirms in order to supply the new market requirements. There is an enormous space not yet occupied by the tile industry due to the low Brazilian per capita consumption and the increasing export trend. The mineral industry must heve capability in order to meet this demand, which requires international competitiveness as in quality as in price in the global economic context


minerais não-metalicos ceramica - industria - brasil ceramica revestimento

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